Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Pleasure In Being Romantic

Romantic? Why should I care about it, sure my partner will be happy about it but for all I know I gain nothing from this..

Ayat bangang Standard dari mulut seorang lelaki yang tak pernah cuba pun bersikap romantic dengan GF dia. Lelaki macam ni kalau ikut hati aku nak je aku bagi flying kick sebajik sampai dia masuk longkang [Biarpun aku pun pada dasarnya berjantina lelaki  (=_=)" ] haha.. lantak lah. Ok rakan2 seperjuangan jejaka kononnya jiwang semalaysia sekalian, ni ader sesuatu yang perlu korang check sebelum ayat seperti diatas terkeluar dari mulut korang (dan sebelum kaki aku melekat dalam mulut korang jika ayat tu dah pun terkeluar :p)

1. Relationship work in two ways
- Dulu hang yang keluar ayat punya gampang semata-mata nak tackle GF korang ni kan, at least you appreciate her feeling towards you by trying to nature your feeling toward each other by being a little bit romantic. A simple text message saying how much you love her is more than enough (But I do recommend you actually do more than this)

2. There is nothing to gain by being romantic
- Rasanya ayat diatas tu dah crystal clear dah. There is nothing to gain by being romantic EXCEPT a smile on her face and a good feeling inside knowing that you have make her happy. That is already a very rewarding reward itself. Being romantic is actually a prove of how much you love your partner. Lantak la kalau member-member korang panggil korang mat jiwang pun. Proving your love to your love one is nothing to be ashamed of.

3.She never even try to be romantic with me so why should I?
- Antara contoh ayat yang paling bangang boleh keluar dari mulut seorang lelaki ( Us guys can be so dumb sometimes so just be patient with us ok :p) dah ko tu namanya lelaki apasal ko tak start dulu??? Just try to do it even for a little bit because this could get you guys going for a loooooooooooooong time...

4. I don't know how to be romantic, I think it's ok, she know how much I love her..
- Dude! You are dead wrong! It's not ok, first of all, love can die if you neglect it for far to long, being romantic actually help to nature her love toward you. It's actually pretty easy to learn how to be romantic. You need to learn one word in order to do that. That word is being HONEST. Yup, being honest. Tell her how much she really meant to you. If you feel like your love for her is a big as a mountain tell her exactly that! Plus this also help you guys to develop trust for each other...

 That is it! All the thing that you need to know about the pleasure of being romantic. Do note if you are a player SILA BLAH DARI BLOG AKU SEKARANG JUGA! Aku cukup menyampah dengan golongan manusia seperti korang. Begitu juga dengan BUDAK KECIK DI BAWAH UMUR. Umur baru setahun jagung tak payah ngade-ngade nak bercinta.

 Till then..
Love your love with all your heart ok..

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